Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format

T. Briget, C. Calogeropoulos, N. Jeanroy

Paris Diderot University, August 15th 2020


With the emergence of online training programs, we have witnessed the emergence of online learning platforms. Some of them are video-based and sometimes offer interaction between participants and teachers. Knowledge management has become primordial for companies. Training programs are flourishing. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about reflections on training methods, with blended learning as the main focus.

Thus, in this study, we focus on how businesses implement blended learning in
their companies, based on learner and trainer feedback. Surveys and interviews offer valuable information on the state of blended learning in businesses today and highlight the different strategies businesses use when it comes to sharing their knowledge, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different training formats.

Read the full article in PDF: Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format

Adapting Personal Learning Environments to the Workplace?


Paris Diderot University, July 2016


Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) have emerged in the higher educational field with the development of web 2.0 applications and tools. Their main features allow them to be particularly user-centric. They also rely on customization and collaborative  learning. As they cater to the learner needs – lifelong and ubiquitous access, PLEs stand at the border of formal and informal education spheres. They nevertheless raise technological and privacy issues that make them somewhat difficult to implement in the workplace. Moreover, business factors and corporate stakes are to be considered when trying to foster community-learning activities within a standardized and controlled environment such as that of the existing Learning Management System (LMS). However, some experiments have been conducted at companies level, leading to promising results for the future.

Read the full article (PDF): Adapting Personal Learning Environments to the Workplace?

Innovation and training: Targeting, designing and broadcasting

Alizée Caudron, Auriane Desbois, Samantha Neller, Julia Ory

July 2015


This article deals with how innovation has revolutionized current teaching methods, especially from the point of view of the people creating educational content. There are three main steps to creating good training materials: targeting, designing and broadcasting. The first step, targeting, consists in analyzing the training project before its conception, by targeting the audience and preparing the content, in order to set up the best learning strategy. The second step is designing. Today’s technology gives instructional designers an array of different ways to create and present learning content. In addition to the attractiveness and the physical aspect of training materials which is now crucial, technologies such as 3D, games or Big Data also influence training designers’ work as well as learners’ opinions on learning. The final step is broadcasting. This part of the training material producing process is probably the most innovative of all. Indeed, nowadays new broadcasting methods keep appearing every single day. From Learning Management Sytems to the “Bring Your Own Device”, connected learners have a multitude of ways to access the educational material at their disposal.

Read the full article (PDF): Innovation and training: Targeting, designing and broadcasting