Knowledge management in business strategy

NOTH Rosalie, RENARD Marion, THIBEAUD Hugo

Paris Diderot University, 09/15/2019


In recent years, knowledge has become a factor of production in the same way as traditional land, labor and capital. For some, it is even the main factor of production of today’s companies, which tend to create a knowledge management service or to outsource it. The purpose of this research is to understand the importance of Knowledge Management (KM) in companies nowadays, and how it can serve the business strategy. Thus, this article will explain the definition and evolution of KM, then depict the challenges associated with KM and business strategies, and finally explore the way a management system is implemented. Thanks to all these elements, we will be able to understand how the KM system becomes essential in business strategy, and when.

To stick close to reality, we conducted interviews in two companies: one that has implemented a KM system a few years ago, and another without, which allowed us to show two opposite ways of dealing with knowledge in companies, and therefore show the link between KM and business strategies.

Read the full article

Knowledge management in business strategy (PDF)


7th International Conference on Technical Communication: Transforming Knowledge (2019)

7th International Conference on Technical Communication

Technical communication aims at transforming tacit knowledge into useful and usable content. During this year’s International Conference on Technical Communication, we explored the tools, methodologies and processes that make it possible to transform internal, individual knowledge into external, standardized content.

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Nicolas Sengmany (EXT IGDOC)

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C.J. Walker, Firehead

Knowledge Management : au secours de la transformation [PDF]

Boris Durupt Zhou Knowledge Manager et coach outils collaboratifs – Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking (SGCIB)

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Louis-Pierre Guillaume, Consultant – fondateur Amallte

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How and why to implement Knowledge Management

Mathias Revelen, Michael Shaugnnessy

July 2015


Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline that has existed since the beginning of the nineties yet it still sometimes feels like, and is treated like, a new idea. This article explores the reasons for this current state of affairs and tries to identify the underlying cause, or causes, for its lack of support. It seems that many companies are slow to adopt systems of KM and view them with skepticism. Others dismiss them outright before even attempting them. But why are companies skeptical about KM in the first place? There must be a common reason for its failure in so many situations. These are the questions this article seeks to answer.
In addition to readings from experts in the field, information for this article was drawn from the personal experiences of the authors as well as from interviews with an expert and the results of a general survey. Since there are many articles and studies on KM, we chose to focus on a few relevant articles that provided valuable and comprehensive information. Moreover, if we had had more time and resources, we could have conducted a survey on a wider panel of companies.

Read the full article (PDF): How and why to implement Knowledge Management