Fostering critical thinking within elearning in the workplace


Paris Cité University, 14/07/2024


This article investigates the complexities and necessities of fostering critical thinking within e-learning environments, emphasizing its significance for professional training. With the rise of e-learning modules, more companies are using them for the continuous training and development of their employees. These modules cover a wide range of subjects and domains, offering unique formats and styles that change traditional teaching by providing various activities. Do they meet the needs of training employees to think critically and adapt to become more competent? Critical thinking is essential in the workplace; without questioning ourselves, we would stagnate and remain stuck in fixed thinking patterns. How can we develop critical thinking skills in a professional context through e-learning modules?

Through our analysis of various studies, interviews with e-learning designers, and surveys of e-learners, we have identified key strategies that effectively promote critical thinking. These include the use of interactive elements, diverse formats, storytelling, and student-teacher communication within e-learning modules. Integrating these elements enhances critical thinking skills, preparing employees for modern workplace demands.

Despite challenges in experimentation and measuring critical thinking, our results are promising. We encourage further studies to improve these methods and explore new approaches for developing critical thinking in e-learning contexts.

Read the full article in PDF : Fostering critical thinking within elearning in the workplace

Videos and minimalism, a conflict in technical writing


Paris Cité University, July 2023


Throughout our technical writing courses, we learned that we must
implement a minimalist approach to our writing. Technical documentation
must be straight to the point, simplify access to information, and filter out
any unnecessary details. Minimalism in technical writing has been clearly
defined since the 1980s. This definition and the advice on minimalist
practices leave out visual elements such as illustrations and videos even
though videos are becoming ever more present in technical documentation.
Thus, we decided to make the distinction between written and visual
minimalism. As visual minimalism stems from minimalism, we can define it
as simplifying technical documentation by cutting off all unnecessary visual

Through this research article, we wished to study how visual minimalism
and videos are used in technical documentation. Specifically, we wondered
how technical writers perceived the use of videos in the context of visual

As technical communicators can work on a large variety of projects, we
wanted to reach as many professionals in technical communication as
possible to ask their opinions on the matter. Are videos and minimalist
documentation compatible?

Read the full article in PDF: Videos and minimalism, a conflict in technical writing

The Advantages and Limits of Gamification Mechanisms: A Duolingo Case Study

Myriam BADER, Maya CLOAREC, Marlène GOUMY, Diane HUSSEIN

Paris Cité University, July 13, 2022


Gamification in e-learning has become more popular nowadays, especially with an increasing demand for digital learning during the pandemic. Indeed, the benefits are apparent. Gamification creates engaging and interactive ways of learning and practicing a skill, which contribute to learner motivation. This study aims to examine the limits of gamification in e-learning. If we look closer at its mechanisms, gamified learning is still a challenging method for learners. Too many gamification elements in e-learning could lead to addictive behavior and other psychological issues. So, in attempt to understand and discuss the impacts and limits of those mechanisms in e-learning, we interrogated Duolingo users on their learning experience in the application and their thoughts of in-app gamification elements. The results showed that overall, most of the interviewees felt they had a relatively positive learning experience with Duolingo but showed alternating periods of strong engagement and total disengagement. The Duolingo gamification mechanisms that seem to be the most effective are the progress bar system, the quizzes and the streak system.

Read the full article in PDF: The Advantages and Limits of Gamification Mechanisms A Duolingo Case Study

The adaptation of e-learning to the learner’s preferences: What are the benefits and the limitations of personalized e-learning environments?

Inès Lavandier, Julie Jacquelin and Héloïse Huet

July 2021


This study explores the personalization of e-learning environments. The main
question we would like to answer in this research article is: What are the benefits and the limitations of personalized e-learning environments? This question encompasses both ends of the spectrum. The results of our research suggest that personalized e-learning environments should provide a better learning experience because it encapsulates the learner’s preferred methods of learning. While traditional e-learning focuses on mass-learning, standard methods with few variations and interactions, the personalization of e-learning should facilitate knowledge retention and be more user-centric.

Read the full article in PDF: The adaptation of e-learning to the learners preferences

Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format

T. Briget, C. Calogeropoulos, N. Jeanroy

Paris Diderot University, August 15th 2020


With the emergence of online training programs, we have witnessed the emergence of online learning platforms. Some of them are video-based and sometimes offer interaction between participants and teachers. Knowledge management has become primordial for companies. Training programs are flourishing. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about reflections on training methods, with blended learning as the main focus.

Thus, in this study, we focus on how businesses implement blended learning in
their companies, based on learner and trainer feedback. Surveys and interviews offer valuable information on the state of blended learning in businesses today and highlight the different strategies businesses use when it comes to sharing their knowledge, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different training formats.

Read the full article in PDF: Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format