Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format

T. Briget, C. Calogeropoulos, N. Jeanroy

Paris Diderot University, August 15th 2020


With the emergence of online training programs, we have witnessed the emergence of online learning platforms. Some of them are video-based and sometimes offer interaction between participants and teachers. Knowledge management has become primordial for companies. Training programs are flourishing. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about reflections on training methods, with blended learning as the main focus.

Thus, in this study, we focus on how businesses implement blended learning in
their companies, based on learner and trainer feedback. Surveys and interviews offer valuable information on the state of blended learning in businesses today and highlight the different strategies businesses use when it comes to sharing their knowledge, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different training formats.

Read the full article in PDF: Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format

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comtechp7 (November 11, 2020). Blended learning, analyzing the evolution of a training format. ComTech Paris Cité. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from

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