The impact of storytelling in e-learning modules on participants’ retention of information


Paris Cité University, July 2024


Learner retention and comprehension while taking an e-learning module can be achieved in many ways, for example via storytelling. Previous studies show that among the e-learning elements, including gamification and instructor-led sessions, narrative elements have been proven to positively impact how much learners enjoy, understand and remember e-learning
modules. These studies have been based primarily on students within an educational setting, however, little research has been done in the past few years about storytelling elements in e-learning courses for adults in a corporate environment. We used data from a survey disseminated to working professionals in technical writing and two e-learning modules, one with and one without storytelling elements, to test this hypothesis of a possible positive relationship between the inclusion of storytelling and learner comprehension and retention. Our findings indicate that narrative elements are useful in increasing learner retention and comprehension.

Read the full article in PDF : The impact of storytelling in e-learning modules on participants’ retention of information

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comtechp7 (September 22, 2024). The impact of storytelling in e-learning modules on participants’ retention of information. ComTech Paris Cité. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

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